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- MEDIA | Wildlifefotografie
Kijk een wildlifereportage op Youtube. Media Vogelfotografie / wildlifefotografie Wildlifephotography Kattesteertvijver Retie
- LINKS | Wildlifefotografie
This is a site about wildlife photography, bird photography. Many photos and wildlife in the Kempen Links Vogelfotografie / wildlifefotografie
- LOCATIES | Wildlifefotografie
A location where I stay a lot is the Kattesteertvijver in Retie Locations Prinsenpark Retie: If you are looking for a place of natural beauty where you can fully relax and enjoy yourself, then you can go to the Prinsenpark! The domain is the ideal place for walking, jogging or to observe some beautiful animals in the forests. The Kattesteertvijver, where I regularly take pictures, belongs to the Prinsenpark domain. a beautiful viewing wall has been built so that you can observe the (water) birds very well. You can follow observations of the Kattesteertvijver via the following link: Observations.
- PORTFOLIO | Wildlifefotografie
In this portfolio you will find many photos of birds and wildlife. Portfolio
- HOME EN | Wildlifefotografie
Wild life Portfolio Birds Dirk Claes Portfolio Wildlife NL AND Photo exhibition in the Prinsenpark in Retie: 'water life at the Kattesteertvijver'. More info
- HOME | Wildlifefotografie
Bird photography is a site with pictures of birds. Birdphotography is a website with birdpictures. www.wildlifephotography.be Mijn naam is Dirk Claes. Als gepassioneerd wildlife fotograaf breng ik mijn tijd dolgraag buiten door. Ik fotografeer het liefst vogels, voornamelijk in mijn eigen buurt De Kempen. Mijn favoriete plaats om te fotograferen is het Prinsenpark in Retie, een natuurdomein waar je vele dieren en vogels kunt observeren. Het resultaat is deze website die ik graag met jullie deel. Veel kijk- en leesplezier, Dirk Claes. Reeks in de kijker Middelste Bonte Specht
- LOCATIES | Wildlifefotografie
A location where I stay a lot is the Kattesteertvijver in Retie Locations Prinsenpark Retie: If you are looking for a place of natural beauty where you can fully relax and enjoy yourself, then you can go to the Prinsenpark! The domain is the ideal place for walking, jogging or to observe some beautiful animals in the forests. The Kattesteertvijver, where I regularly take pictures, belongs to the Prinsenpark domain. a beautiful viewing wall has been built so that you can observe the (water) birds very well. You can follow observations of the Kattesteertvijver via the following link: Observations. Prinsenpark Retie: Het Turnhouts Vennengebied is een belangrijk heidegebied in Vlaanderen met zijn kenmerkende vennen, heide en graslanden. Vanop een kijktoren ontdek je er talrijke vogels zoals Grauwe/Canadese Ganzen, Bergeenden, Grutto's, Blauwborst, Dodaars, Futen, eva.... Waarnemingen van het Turnhout Vennengebied kan je volgen via volgende link: Waarnemingen. Belgium Digital Check out the forum for interesting places for bird photography here . Natuurpunt. Natuurpunt is an independent volunteer association that protects vulnerable and endangered nature in Flanders. Many interesting areas can be found via the website of Natuurpunt. Take a look. Natuurpunt.
- Ijsvogels op de Kattesteert | Wildlifefotografie
Locations aan de Kattesteertvijver TERUG NAAR PORTFOLIO
- Foto's op Kattesteert | Wildlifefotografie
Locations De Kattesteertvijver in Retie, waar ik regelmatig vertoef om te fotograferen, behoort tot het domein Prinsenpark. Er is een prachtige kijkwand gebouwd waardoor je de (water)vogels zeer goed kunt observeren. TERUG NAAR PORTFOLIO De Kattesteertvijver in Retie, waar ik regelmatig vertoef om te fotograferen, behoort tot het domein Prinsenpark. Er is een prachtige kijkwand gebouwd waardoor je de (water)vogels zeer goed kunt observeren. Oeverloper Oeverloper Fuut Fuut Fuut Ooievaar Ooievaar Bloedrode Heideibel Witgat Witgat Zomertaling Zomertaling Watersnip Watersnip Lepelaar Lepelaar Kleine Zilverreiger Kleine Zilverreiger Visarend Visarend Gele Kwikstaart Gele Kwikstaart Zwartkop Zwartkop Casarca
- WEBSHOP | Wildlifefotografie
If you want a photo print or canvas, be sure to visit this webshop. Online store Vogelfotografie / wildlifefotografie Work on the wall - photo prints Wil je foto's als fotoprint of hou je meer van een canvas, het kan allemaal. Klik op onderstaande foto voor meer info! Alle foto's op deze website zijn te koop, ook al vind je deze niet terug op 'werken aan de muur'. Indien interesse in een andere foto van de site, geef gerust een seintje. Dit kan dmv een screenshot van de desbetreffende foto, mailen naar: dirk.claes56@telenet.be .
- BIO | Wildlifefotografie
My first steps in photography date back to 1984 when I was the proud owner of a Pentax K1000. During that period, I and my family crossed many National Parks in the USA, a prime location for nature photography. Since I wanted to stay with Canon, the choice became a bit more limited. In the end it became the next lens; Canon 600mm F4 IS USM III, a dream lens for every bird photographer! Bio Dirk Claes My first steps in photography date back to 1984 when I was the proud owner of a Pentax K1000. During that period, Me and my family crossed many National Parks in the USA, a prime location for nature photography. After these trips there was no time for photography due to many other activities and so my camera ended up in the closet. Many years later, in 2006, I bought my first digital device. It became a Minolta Z1. Despite the great pleasure of this mega zoom camera, I soon came to the conclusion that there were also many limitations attached to it. So my next step was to buy a DSLR. This happened in April 2009. Since my preference was for bird photography, it had to be a crop camera. After much research and consideration, the Canon 40D was purchased. After a long acquaintance with this device, I started bird photography in November 2009. I never followed any education or courses, I learned to master photography as an entirely self-taught artist. At the beginning of January 2010, this suddenly came to an end. A brain tumor was diagnosed, surgery followed and a long rehabilitation period became necessary. Since I spent a lot of time in nature before this rehabilitation, I was still able to continue my beloved activity. After the rehabilitation, the time for photography was greatly reduced, but you could regularly find me in some shelter. At the end of 2019, the time for photography was accelerated again and a new body announced itself. It became a Canon 90D. In 2020 I started in good spirits to make it a fun spring, but Covid 19 put a stop to this. In the meantime I came to the conclusion that my lens became the limiting factor and the search for better could begin. Since I wanted to stay with Canon, the choice became a bit more limited. In the end it became the next lens; Canon 600mm F4 IS USM III, a dream lens for every bird photographer! The photos on this site date from 2010. The site is updated weekly so that a regular visit is worthwhile. Exhibition Birds at the Kattesteert pond Prinsenpark Retie January 5, 2022 - March 25, 2022 Material Canon 90D Canon 40D Canon 600mm F4 IS USM III Canon 100-400mm F3.5/5.6 Contact Phone : 0473542730 Email : dirk.claes56@telenet.be Een vraag of opmerking, je kan steeds een boodschap achterlaten via onderstaand formulier. Submit Thank you for submitting!
- CONTACT | Wildlifefotografie
Thanks for stopping by my website! Hope you enjoyed it. If you still have a question or comment about the website, you can always leave a message using the form below. Content of the website: bird photography, wildlife photography. Vogelfotografie/wildlifefotografie Contact Thanks for stopping by my website! I hope you enjoyed it. If you still have a question or comment about the website, you can always leave a message using the form below. Contact Details 0473 542730 dirk.claes56@telenet.be First name Last name E-mail Errand Send Thank you for submitting!